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Lenovo ThinkSystem 3Y Warranty Tech Inst 7x24 Fix 24 hr Committed Repair + YDYD + Premier (SR630)

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kód zboží:    988219

Popis produktu
The Committed Service Repair is time period between receipt of a customer’s request for the repair and the restoring the affected machine to a good working order in accordance with its specifications. The restoration of system readiness does not include installation or configuration of system and application software.
x Hour Committed Service Repair (CSR) is the time period between the service request registration in Lenovo’s call management system and the restoration of the product to conformance with its specification by a service technician. “Restored to conformance” means the device is operationally ready for, but does not include the loading of operating systems, business applications and /or customer data.

YourDrive YourData - Multi Drive and Hard Drive Retention
\"Under the Limited Warranty and the Statement of Limited Warranty, when Lenovo replaces a defective part of your product, the defective part becomes the property of Lenovo. Under YourDrive YourData, you may keep the defective part that is replaced under the Limited Warranty and the Statement of Limited Warranty. This Service applies to the original part in your product and any replacement part provided for your product under the Limited Warranty and the Statement of Limited Warranty. You must provide Lenovo with the serial number of each part which you keep under this Service and execute any document as requested by Lenovo acknowledging your retention of the part. This Service only applies to parts for Products purchased by you.
Eligible Parts for YourDrive YourData Service are: Hard Drive designed to operate in Hard Drive Bay, Solid State Drive designed to operate in Hard Drive Bay, Flash I/O Drive as add-on card and Flash memory module (Flash DIMM) and Lenovo Server USB flash keys.\"

Machine Type Model
7X02 CTO1

Obrázek nenastaven


Parametry produktu
GPSR Lenovo (Slovakia);Landererova 12,811 09,Bratislava,Slovakia;compliance@lenovo.com

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