QR kód

LTO Cleaning Media, 1pc, random label, Fuji

zboží není aktuálně skladem

kód zboží:    230645

Popis produktu
Cleaning cartridge with random label from Fuji for LTO drives

Intended for use in the ETERNUS LT. When ordering data cartridge pack please note that the minimum order quantity is 5 cartridges. Cartridges are regularly delivered with barcode label what is a random barcode label (The random barcode numbers will be randomly selected, each random barcode is assigned only once). As an option, specific barcode number ranges can be defined by the customer and dedicated to the data cartridges. Therefore this additional order line item (Label Position D: CR-LTO-LAB) has to be ordered as well together with a work order sheet. This completed work order sheet has to be sent to the address as indicated. Please note: Without this additional label order item and the work order sheet the complete order is automatically shipped with a random barcode label on each cartridge! Orders with customer-defined barcode number ranges cannot be cancelled or changed later on.

Identifikační a kontaktní údaje výrobce

Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8
80807 Munich
cic@fujitsu.com (Customer Interaction Center)

Obrázek nenastaven


Parametry produktu
GPSR Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH;Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8,80807,Munich,Germany;cic@fujitsu.com

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