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Netgear 8-port Multi-Gigabit (2.5G) Ultra60 PoE++ Ethernet Unmanaged Switch

2 ks skladem

kód zboží:    403779

Popis produktu
Provides 8 ports 1G/2.5G with 4 PoE+ ports and 4 Ultra60 PoE++ ports making it a perfect switch for WiFi 6 AP connectivity, IP surveillance and more.

NETGEAR brings the first Unmanaged Multi-Gigabit PoE++ switch MS108UP with 60Watts per port Ultra60 PoE++ technology, ideal for powerful PoE++ installations with PoE budgets up to 230W, a compact size, plug-and-play installation, and reliable performance at affordable prices. The new model MS108UP supports 2.5 Gigabit speed connectivity and Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE) that can provide up to 60W/ port. The new switch model can power devices such as VoIP phones, surveillance IP cameras, wireless access points and many other applications. This new Unmanaged switch provides PoE Auto-Balance to help automatically balance the PoE power based on the device needs independent of PoE class detected. With the growing deployment of applications and an all-in-one solution, providing multi-speed and high power to these applications would be ideal.
Obrázek nenastaven


Parametry produktu
Výrobce Netgear
Rychlost přenosu 10/100/1000
Počet portů 8-10
Správa Nemanagovatelný
PoE 802.3af Ne

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