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HP T220V Fuser Kit pro LJ 700 COLOR MFP, CE515A

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kód zboží:    688178

Popis produktu

HP printer maintenance kits ensure your HP printer remains in working condition and continues providing your workers with the highest print quality possible.
Ensure your HP printer continues to provide you with optimum print quality with periodic replacement of supplies.HP maintenance kits help ensure your HP printer is always available, helping maximise your business efficiency. HP maintenance kits include user-replaceable parts that work with your HP printer to prompt you when they require maintenance.HP maintenance kits include supplies that are built to last and backed by your HP warranty.

Page yield (colour) 150,000 pages

Dimensions and weight
Package dimensions (W x D x H) 596 x 247 x 235 mm Package weight 3.5 kg

What\'s included
Warranty 90 day commercial warranty (parts only) What\'s in the box 220V Printer Fuser Maintenance Kit
Install guide
Obrázek nenastaven


Parametry produktu
Výrobce HP
Druh Zapékací jednotka
GPSR HP;HP REG 23010,08028,Barcelona,Spain;reg@hp.com

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Rychlý kontakt


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