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APC SmartConnect 1-UPS Advanced 5Y Plan

zboží není aktuálně skladem

kód zboží:    APC00083

Popis produktu
Služby Ecostruxure Ready (SmartConnect) v rozsahu Standard Plan byly dříve poskytovány zdarma po celou dobu platnosti záruky UPS (pro UPS s olověnými bateriemi včetně prodloužené záruky, pro Li-Ion UPS pouze pro dobu jejich standardní záruky 5 let)

Pro UPS zakoupené po srpnu 2023 platí, že budou mít jen zkušební verzi SmartConnect na 6 měsíců.

Pro objednání služby SmartConnect jsou nutné údaje o UPS
Part Number:
Serial number (výrobní číslo):
a údaje o koncovém uživateli:

EcoStruxureTM IT SmartConnect provides remote UPS monitoring for all new devices. Remote monitoring for your device is activated for the duration of your UPS warranty once your device is correctly registered with SmartConnect.
•Devices with lead-acid batteries have 3 years free monitoring (SMC/SMT/SMX).
•Devices with lithium-ion batteries have 5 years free monitoring (SCL/SMTL/SRTL).
(Platí pouze do srpna 2023. Poté již bude mít nově zakoupená UPS pouze zkušební verzi na 6 měsíců )

The Subscription Overview page provides an overview of all your connected Smart-UPS, including their plan status and expiry date.
The Subscription Overview page and the Advanced plan with remote outlet group reboot are part of a phased rollout. To find out more and enable subscription plans for your device(s), contact smartconnect@schneider-electric.com.

Basic Monitoring
- Remote UPS Monitoring
- Two-factor authentication
- Local firmware upgrade via LCD
When your initial free monitoring period expires, your device will revert to a Basic Monitoring plan. Firmware is still distributed to your UPS, however, you must now initiate firmware updates locally from the UPS. You will no longer receive email notifications for this device, events will no longer be recorded in the Event Log, and you can no longer perform UPS diagnostic tests. To reactivate full access to the web portal, you can purchase a Standard plan or upgrade to the new Advanced plan.

Standard Plan
- Remote UPS Monitoring
- Two-factor authentication
- One-click remote firmware upgrade via web portal
- Automated email notification
- Remote self-test and audible alarm diagnostics
- Event log up to 30 days

Advanced Plan
- Remote UPS Monitoring
- Two-factor authentication
- One-click remote firmware upgrade via web portal
- Automated email notification
- Remote self-test and audible alarm diagnostics
- Event log up to 30 days
- Remote outlet group reboot to power cycle or reset equipment
- Name outlet groups to track where equipment is plugged in

•Devices that are not on a Standard or Advanced plan can still be monitored on the dashboard view.
•Standard and Advanced plans allow remote installation for automatically distributed firmware. Without a paid plan, you must initiate firmware upgrades locally from the UPS.
•Lead-acid devices (SMC/SMT/SMX) include Standard plan features if an Extended Warranty is purchased. (Platí pouze do srpna 2023. Poté již bude mít nově zakoupená UPS pouze zkušební verzi na 6 měsíců a prodloužení záruky nebude mít žádný vliv)
•Extended Warranty products for Li-Ion devices (SCL,SMTL,SRTL) do not include Standard plan features.
Obrázek nenastaven


Parametry produktu
GPSR Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.;U Trezorky 921/2,158 00,Praha 5,Česká republika;podpora@schneider-electric.com,+420225382919

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+420 558 644 011
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