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APC 2 Yr On-Site Warranty Extension Service for up to (2) Internal Batteries for (1) G3500 or SUVT UPS

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kód zboží:    305161

Popis produktu
1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 10-15 kVA UPS
The On-Site Warranty Extension extends the standard factory warranty coverage of the UPS and/or PDU. In addition to on-site remedial repairs covered during the factory warranty period, the On-Site Warranty Extension includes one Inspection Visit during the agreement year. This service provides a seamless extension of the factory warranty by one or two years depending on the customer’s preference and geographic availability. This service can only be purchased concurrently with the sale of the UPS or PDU.

Next Business day onsite response - Upgrades to 8 Hr & 4 Hr available for all 3P Power, PDU and Cooling
Includes parts, labour & travel
Annual Inspection Visit*

Available in a one or two year term only
Not renewable, will convert to Advantage Plans at expiration
Can be sold concurrently only
Obrázek nenastaven


Parametry produktu
GPSR Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.;U Trezorky 921/2,158 00,Praha 5,Česká republika;podpora@schneider-electric.com,+420225382919

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Rychlý kontakt


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+420 558 644 011
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