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Kensington Podstavec pod notebook SmartFit®

4 ks skladem

kód zboží:    517147

Popis produktu


When you need to lift your laptop up to eye level, there’s no better ergonomic solution than the SmartFit Laptop Riser. Kensington has been a leader in ergonomics for more than 20 years and the laptop riser features the SmartFit System, which allows you to find your personal height setting for optimal comfort to reduce neck and back strain while you work. It also utilizes Zero Footprint mounting so you can mount a compatible Kensington universal dock underneath the laptop platform, keeping your desktop less cluttered.

SmartFit® System allows you to find your personal comfort color for optimal ergonomics
4 available height settings
Zero footprint mounting allows you to mount a compatible Kensington universal dock under the laptop platform
Cable management under the laptop platform helps neatly route cords
Anti-skid pads keep laptop firmly in place
Kensington Security Slot available on both right and left legs
Compatible with laptops up to 15.6” and 7.7 lbs






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